Wainer Lusoli

Wainer Lusoli
Born March 1, 1974 (1974-03-01) (age 38)
Sassuolo, Modena, Italy
Occupation Scientific Officer, Joint Research Centre (European Commission)

Wainer Lusoli (born March, 1 1974) is an Italian academic, trained as a political scientist and quantitative policy analyst. He has worked on issues concerning political participation, electronic democracy, digital identity, social computing and cloud computing.

From 2008, he has been a Scientific Officer at the Joint Research Centre (European Commission), Institute for Prospective Technological Studies[1] and a Honorary Visiting Research Fellow at the University of Chester. Previously, he was a Senior Lecturer at the University of Chester and a Research Fellow at the University of Salford and at the London School of Economics and Political Science.


Early life and education

Born in Sassuolo, Italy, Lusoli grew up in Fiorano Modenese, Italy and earned a Laurea in Political Science and from the University of Bologna, a Master's degree in European Political Systems and Cultures from the University of Bologna and the Network Europaeum, and a PhD from the London School of Economics and Political Science.

Career in academia

On aggregate, Lusoli has an h-index score of 15, and a g-index score of 21.[2] His publications fall mainly in the areas of e-government, electronic democracy and digital identity.

Between 1999 and 2006, Lusoli published extensively in peer-reviewed journals[3] on topics related to electronic democracy and e-participation. Especially, he contributed to literature the use of web services by political parties,[4] by political party members,[5] by political representatives,[6] by trade unions,[7] by various political organisations, and by citizens in several countries.[8] In his overall work on electronic democracy, he arrives at the sobering conclusion that electronic media may have little to offer in terms of democratic engagement.[9]

In relation to Internet and politics, he worked on several research projects funded by the Economic and Social Research Council and other funding bodies, mainly in collaboration with Rachel K. Gibson and Stephen J. Ward. These include the ‘Virtual Observatory for Online Networks: New Forms of Collective Action on the WWW’ (July 2006 – July 2008);[10] DEMO-net: The eParticipation Network, as affiliated expert (December 2006 – December 2008);[11] ESRC - The Internet in the 2005 general election (March 2005 – December 2005);[12] the Internet & Elections Project[13] (March 2004 – June 2006), on the use of the new media by parties, candidates, pressure groups and the media during electoral campaigns in Europe, Asia and America; the ESRC Representation in the Internet Age project[14] (July 2003 – June 2005), about the import of new media for representative democracy in Britain and Australia; and the ESRC Democracy and Participation Programme: The Internet, political organisations and participation project[15] (August 2001 – June 2003), about the use of new media by British political organisation and citizens.

From 2007 to today, he has contributed to the policy debate and to the academic literature on digital identity. He has researched digital natives's attitudes and behaviours regarding personal identity data disclosure;[16] he has written on the policy and regulatory aspects of digital identity in Europe;[17] he has written on the economics of identity markets.[18] He has conducted research on the market and the economics of electronic identity, the changing infrastructural landscape, the structure of service provision based on digital identity and relevant policy issues in relation to the Digital Agenda for Europe.[19] In this study and in related work,[20] he and his co-authors argue that usability, minimum disclosure and portability, which are essential features of future digital identity systems, are at the margin of the market and that cross-country/cross-sector systems for business and public services are only in their infancy. And that in economic terms, the utility functions of users and service providers in relation to digital identity data are divergent. This generates a market asymmetry, as service providers are able to extract value from user data via opaque value propositions. From 2008, he has contributed to the debate on social computing and identity, mainly arguing that the way personal identity data is monetised in the digital market in unclear and unregulated, both in Europe and elsewhere.[21]

Conferences, public speaking and the media

Lusoli has been relatively active in public fora and academic conferences for about a decade, presenting his work to academics and policy-makers in several countries. He is not a public figure, as his work has not received broadcast media attention, exception made for a few references in the British press[22] in relation to academic-related work.

External links

See also


  1. ^ EC JRC IPTS Staff Pages
  2. ^ H-score calculator based on Google Scholar results
  3. ^ A search for 'Wainer Lusoli' returned 170 entries in Google Scholar on 6 December 2010
  4. ^ Gibson, R. K., Ward, S. J., & Lusoli, W. (2003). The Internet and Political Campaigning: the new medium comes of age? Representation, 39(3), 166-180.
  5. ^ Lusoli, W. & Ward, S. (2004). Digital Rank-and-File: Party Activists' Perceptions and Use of the Internet. British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 6(4), 473-450.
  6. ^ Ward, S., & Lusoli, W. (2005).'From Weird to Wired': MPs, the Internet and Representative Politics in the UK. Journal of Legislative Studies, 11(1), 57-81. DOI: 10.1080/13572330500158276
  7. ^ Ward, S. J., & Lusoli, W. (2003). Dinosaurs in cyberspace? British Trade Unions and the Internet. European Journal of Communication, 18(2), 147-179.
  8. ^ Gibson, R. K., Lusoli, W., & Ward, S. (2005). Online Participation in the UK: Testing a 'contextualised' model of Internet effects. British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 7(4), 561-583. DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-856X.2005.00209.x
  9. ^ Lusoli, W. (2006). Of Windows, Triangles and Circles: the Political Economy in the Discourse of Electronic Democracy. Comunicazione Politica, 7(1), 27-48
    Lusoli, W. (2007). Forme di democrazia elettronica. In G. Pasqino (Ed.), Strumenti della democrazia (pp. 101-122). Bologna: Il Mulino
  10. ^ ARC VOSON
  11. ^ DEMO-net - the eParticipation Network of Excellence
  12. ^ Campaigning in Cyberspace: The 2005/6 General Election Online
  13. ^ Internet & Elections Project
  14. ^ ESRC E-Society Programme: Representation in the Internet Age
  15. ^ ESRC Democracy and Participation Programme: The Internet, political organisations and participation
  16. ^ Lusoli, W., & Miltgen, C. (2009). Young People and Emerging Digital Services. An Exploratory Survey on Motivations, Perceptions and Acceptance of Risks (JRC Scientific and Technical Reports EUR 23765 EN). W. Lusoli, R. Compañó & I. Maghiros (Eds.) Sevilla: EC JRC IPTS.
  17. ^ Lusoli, W., Maghiros, I., & Bacigalupo, M. (2009). eID policy in a turbulent environment: is there a need for a new regulatory framework? Identity in the Information Society, 1(2). DOI: 10.1007/s12394-009-0011-9.
  18. ^ Compañó, R., & Lusoli, W. (2009). The Policy Maker's Anguish: regulating personal data behaviour between paradoxes and dilemmas. Paper submitted to the Eighth Workshop on the Economics of Information Security (WEIS 2009), London, 24–25 June 2009.
  19. ^ Stevens, T., Elliott, J., Hoikkanen, A., Lusoli, W., & Maghiros, I. (2010). The State of the Electronic Identity Market: Stakeholders, their Roles and Strategies (JRC Scientific and Technical Reports No. EUR 24567 EN). Sevilla: EC JRC Institute for Prospective Technological Studies
  20. ^ Lusoli, W., & Compañó, R. (2010). From security versus privacy to identity: an emerging concept for policy design? Info, 12(2), 80-94.
  21. ^ Yves Punie, Wainer Lusoli, Clara Centeno, Gianluca Misuraca and David Broster (Eds.) (2009) The Impact of Social Computing on the EU Information Society and Economy, Sevilla: JRC Institute for Prospective Technological Studies
  22. ^ The Sunday Times, 13 March 2005, E-politics wins a vote of confidence.